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Safety & Service

20+ Years of Safety & Service
24 Hour Post-Accident Testing

Local/Toll Free

252-535 4599


Mon - Fri
8:30am - 4:30pm
Saturday by appointment only

Contact First Med Alert, Inc. for our 24/7 Service Number 866-626-5103

DOT Post-Accident Reportable: https://csa.fmcsa.dot.gov/safetyplanner/MyFiles/SubSections.aspx?ch=23&sec=70&sub=183

Post-Accident Testing

After an applicable accident occurs involving a CMV (operating on a public road in commerce), each employer must test for alcohol and drugs for each of the surviving drivers. See 49 CFR 382.303(a) for alcohol tests and 49 CFR 382.303(b) for controlled substance tests. Carriers must have a valid reason if tests were not conducted within the required time limits. In addition, carriers must document any information related to why the test(s) were not conducted.

The following flow chart and table are quick references for determining when post-accident tests are required.



Post-Accident Testing Requirements

Fatality Accident

Always test for drugs and alcohol.

Bodily Injury Accident

If a driver is issued a citation within 8 hours of the occurrence, an alcohol test is required.
If a driver is issued a citation within 32 hours of the occurrence, a drug test is required.

Tow-Away Accident

If a driver is issued a citation within 8 hours of the occurrence, an alcohol test is required.
If a driver is issued a citation within 32 hours of the occurrence, a drug test is required.

DOT Post-Accident Reportable: https://csa.fmcsa.dot.gov/safetyplanner/MyFiles/SubSections.aspx?ch=23&sec=70&sub=183

As a service of First Med Alert, Inc. clients, we will assist in Post-Accident after-hours. Call us to help locate an after-hours Collection Facility or dispatch First Med Alert, Inc. from Rocky Mount, NC to Colonial Heights, VA, Raleigh, NC to Elizabeth City, NC.